Ghoulia Yelps

Age 16 (in monster years)
Killer Style My horn-rimmed “nerd glasses.” They absolutely go with everything.
Freaky Flaw I cannot function without a proper schedule and I do not process last minute changes very well. My zombie nature also means that I walk rather slowly, have trouble making facial expressions and can only speak…well…zombie.
Pet An owl named Sir Hoots A Lot. The perfect companion even though he absolutely refuses to be a message courier for me.
Favorite Activity I love to read and learn new things. Books always fit into my schedule.
Biggest Pet Peeve Last minute schedule changes and monsters who cannot speak zombie. There is nothing quite so frustrating as arriving late and having to explain why to a monster that does not understand you.
Fav School Subject Unfortunately, the narrow constraints of this question preclude me from answering it. (Translation: I cannot choose just one.)
Least Fav Subject I believe there is something to be learned from every class. Even dodge ball teaches one to duck.
Favorite Color Red.
Favorite Food Brains…just kidding. I actually have quite the affinity for rapidly prepared, mass-market cuisine. (Translation: I like fast food.)
BFFs Cleo de Nile and everyone else at Monster High